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C&W Two - Step; Two Variations?
Posted by Ghostdancer
4/3/2002  1:58:00 PM
I have not done much country and western dancing recently, but am wondering about something. I learned that there are two versions of the two step - progressive which is the walk foward on the slow, slow, quick, quick count and this as I best understand is the standard method.

Now, I originally learned what was later called the rhythm two step where there are two side togethers and foward, foward. What I don't know is if the rhythm variety is a local innovation or is a variation of the progresive used throughout the country. I have not danced outside of my local area much, so I don't know.

"Wherever you go, you represent the team. You will talk like, you will look like and you will act like the most dignified professional in your hometown" - Vince Lombardi to his players.

re: C&W Two - Step; Two Variations?
Posted by gah2dantz
4/28/2002  4:27:00 PM
The first one you describe is known in the C&W dance community as Two Step. It is characterized by two slow and two quick progressive steps

The other dance you describe sounds like a newer dance form, known either as Progressive Double Two Step, or Triple Two Step. It is characterized by two chasses, followed by two walking steps (1&2, 3&4, 5, 6). Triple Two (as we know it here in Chicago) works well with a lot of the music coming out of Nashville these days that has a "rolling" triple rhythm.
re: C&W Two - Step; Two Variations?
Posted by Karen
5/18/2003  4:41:00 PM
I just want to learn how to two step please can you help me! Thanks
re: C&W Two - Step; Two Variations?
Posted by Vince A
5/20/2003  7:47:00 AM
Blair, I believe you are 100% correct on what you stated about the triple-2 . . . I didn't want to explain too much as Ghostdancer asked about the 2-step.

Ghostdancer . . . see below:
re: C&W Two - Step; Two Variations?
Posted by ChampionDancesportKC
5/24/2003  8:09:00 PM
Hey all.

The "triple two -step" isn't such a new dance. Arthur Murray incorporated into their very first CW syllabus in the early 90's, and it was widely done in the midwest well before that. It was then called "The Shuffle". Many dancers thought of it as progressive east coast swing, and indeed it works well as a dance that can travel and then "stall" or stay in one place to accomplish swing patterns before moving on.

As for rhythm two-step...I have never heard of that...would the count then be QQQQSS? From your despcription I am picturing side-together, side-together, walk, walk...if that's right then I think this would be a tough one for maintaining line of dance as it progresses so far left each measure...I have never seen it done in Kansas City.
Posted by Ghostdancer
4/28/2002  5:24:00 PM
The name originally given locally to the second form that I describe was The Maverick which was taken from the name of a popular C&W nightclub here (which recently burned down, but is suppose to be rebuilt); then it was called the Rhythm Two-Step and is still known by that name.

"Wherever you go, you represent the team. You will talk like, you will look like and you will act like the most dignified professional in your hometown" - Vince Lombardi to his players.
re: C&W Two - Step; Two Variations?
Posted by Blair
5/19/2003  7:33:00 PM
Around here most dance 2-step QQSS, however, there are many who dance it SSQQ. Either way doesn't matter since they both fit the music. I always thought triple-2 was danced with progressive chasses or triple-step, triple-step, walk, walk or 1a2,3a4,56 (hence the name triple-2) and danced to slower music.

As to the "rhythm 2-step," it resembles how many untrained dancers around here dance 2-step (ie. more of folk dance). I can see that it would have some advantages on a confined dance floor.


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